

Druvvenrog, a prominent civilization in Third Age Deluvia, has emerged as a beacon of mortal ascension through its growth, strength, and aggression. This chapter delves into the history, formation, and societal dynamics of Druvvenrog, highlighting its quest for dominance, disdain for the old gods, and unique cultural practices.

The Founding of Druvvenrog

The origins of Druvvenrog trace back to Elmrif Grimstok the Druv, who was dispatched from Pallamost to discover new lands. Upon finding an island rich in resources, Elmrif established the city of Druv but chose not to report back to Pallamost due to his disdain for the pompous Azernath Emperess. Shortly after, another explorer, Aldvaderis Tarkon, a former pirate captain, founded the city of Venrog on a neighboring island. Tired of her life on The Long Sea, she sought fortune in mining.

The two cities rapidly grew, attracting other settlers who established towns across the landmass. Initially, these towns competed for supremacy, but they eventually united over their common disdain for the old gods and hatred for magery, aspiring to become the new power in Deluvia.

Formation of The Corporation

The heads of these burgeoning towns drafted The Articles of Agreement of Corporate Dominion and Federation, reverently known as The Doxy. This agreement led to the formation of “The Corporation,” a government that merged the cities into Druvvenrog, named after the two founding powers. The Corporation is governed by The Five Upper Houses, each running their own businesses and enacting laws to favor their interests. The Lower Houses advise and hold half-votes in The Corporation Council, while numerous gangs operate in the shadows, some allying with The Corporation and others seeking to dismantle its power.

Societal Structure and Challenges

The expansion of Druvvenrog has alarmed neighboring cities in The Central Kingdoms and the Outlands, where individuals fleeing government and war have sought refuge. Mages also seek sanctuary away from these imperialists. Within Druvvenrog, regular citizens, primarily factory workers, are often caught in the crossfire of gang skirmishes and corporate machinations.

Druvvenrog boasts a rich cultural scene, particularly in sports. Before The Great Severing, it rivaled Pallamost with the Grand Tour, a series of traveling battles in major cities. Today, Druvvenrog maintains the only large arenas where masses gather to watch bloody mock battles. Another popular sport is Skiffrunner racing, a chaotic event in the city’s canals that gangs heavily influence. Despite The Corporation’s attempts to regulate it, Skiffrunner racing remains a neutral ground for gang disputes and a significant betting event.

Technological and Military Advancements

Druvvenrog’s disdain for the old gods extends to its technological advancements. The discovery of The Great Forge, a perpetual, intense fire deep within the earth, allowed The Corporation to harness its energy for advanced forging. The technopriests of The Corporation have also tapped into the power of the Great Forge, scattering the Ancient Elemental Guardians that once protected it. Additionally, the exploration of The Northtop Passage through Wildspace led to contact with the Kapasian Elves and halted further expansion upwards due to a treaty with them.

Economic and Cultural Landscape

Druvvenrog is a melting pot of races and cultures. It houses the largest population of dwarves in Deluvia, particularly in Underdeep. Goblins, exiled gargoyles, and other diverse races populate the commercial district of Golgime. Despite the strict militia presence, skirmishes frequently erupt but are quickly quelled. Druvvenrog’s economic disparity is evident in areas like Dunsbay Tallow, where the gap between rich and poor is stark.

The city is also known for its vibrant slang and underground economy. Terms like “Jakker” for malevolent tech users, “skrapper” for inventive scavengers, and “secpats” or “Brownclads” for the elite security patrol, illustrate the unique socio-economic fabric of Druvvenrog.


Druvvenrog’s rise from a collection of disparate towns to a formidable power in Deluvia is marked by its aggressive expansion, technological prowess, and complex societal structure. Its journey reflects the broader struggle of mortals to assert their dominance and carve out a new destiny, free from the influence of the old gods and ancient magics.

Advanced Lore


Chapter: The Secrets of Druvvenrog


Beneath the surface of Druvvenrog’s rapid expansion and industrial prowess lies a web of secrets, political intrigue, and hidden dangers. This chapter explores the undercurrents of Druvvenrog’s society, focusing on its hidden factions, the enigmatic Great Forge, and the mysterious forces that shape its destiny.

The Technopriests and The Great Forge

The Great Forge, a perpetual fire deep within Deluvia, is a source of immense power and mystery. The technopriests of The Corporation have harnessed its energy, using it to fuel Druvvenrog’s technological advancements. However, this power comes at a cost. The ancient elemental guardians, once protectors of the Forge, have been scattered, their relics hidden and denied by The Upper House.

Character Introduction: Vethor Grimforge

Vethor Grimforge, a former technopriest turned rogue, now seeks to uncover the truth about The Great Forge. Disillusioned by The Corporation’s secrecy and manipulation, Vethor has become a thorn in their side, gathering a band of rebels to expose the hidden truths of Druvvenrog.

Dialogue Scene: Vethor’s Revelation

Setting: An underground hideout illuminated by flickering torchlight. Vethor stands before a group of rebels, his eyes burning with determination.

Vethor: “Friends, we stand on the brink of revelation. The Great Forge is not just a tool for industry; it’s a relic of ancient power, a power that The Corporation seeks to control and manipulate for their gain.”

The rebels murmur among themselves, their faces a mix of fear and resolve.

Rebel Leader: “What do you propose, Vethor? How can we stand against such a formidable force?”

Vethor: “We strike at the heart of their operation. We expose the truth of The Great Forge to the people of Druvvenrog. Only then can we break the chains of The Corporation’s control.”

The rebels nod, their determination growing.

Character Building: Vethor Grimforge

Vethor Grimforge is a complex character, driven by a sense of justice and a desire to uncover the truth. Once a loyal technopriest, his disillusionment with The Corporation’s corruption led him down a path of rebellion. He is resourceful, intelligent, and charismatic, able to inspire those around him to fight for a greater cause. Vethor’s internal conflict stems from his past loyalty to The Corporation and his current mission to dismantle its power. His knowledge of technology and the arcane makes him a formidable adversary and a crucial ally.

The Hidden Factions

Druvvenrog is not just governed by The Corporation; numerous hidden factions vie for power and influence. These factions include:

  • The Iron Brotherhood: A secret society of former technopriests and engineers who seek to control The Great Forge for their own purposes.
  • The Shadow Syndicate: A network of spies and assassins working to undermine The Corporation from within.
  • The Elemental Guardians: A group dedicated to protecting the ancient relics and restoring the elemental guardians to their rightful place.

Dialogue Scene: A Meeting of Factions

Setting: A dimly lit tavern, the air thick with tension. Representatives from various factions sit around a large table, their faces shrouded in shadow.

Iron Brotherhood Leader: “The time has come to act. The Corporation grows stronger with each passing day, and The Great Forge is the key to their power.”

Shadow Syndicate Spy: “Agreed, but we must be cautious. A direct assault will lead to chaos. We need a plan.”

Elemental Guardian: “We must restore balance. The elemental guardians are the true protectors of the Forge, and we must awaken them.”

The faction leaders exchange glances, each weighing their options.

Iron Brotherhood Leader: “Then it is decided. We combine our strengths, strike from the shadows, and reclaim The Great Forge.”


The secrets of Druvvenrog are as deep and complex as its industrial might. The struggle for power, the hidden factions, and the enigmatic Great Forge shape the destiny of this formidable civilization. As Vethor Grimforge and his allies navigate this treacherous landscape, the fate of Druvvenrog hangs in the balance, teetering on the edge of revelation and revolution.



Chapter: The Forge of Fate


The group, bolstered by the alliance with Elowen and guided by her ancient knowledge, moves deeper into Faewood. Their destination is the heart of the forest, where they must confront The Corporation’s agents and protect the Great Tree. This chapter delves into the sensory experiences of their journey, further develops the characters through their backstories, and sets up the looming confrontation with The Corporation.

Setting the Scene: Deep within Faewood

The deeper they venture into Faewood, the denser the foliage becomes. The air is thick with the smell of pine sap and wet earth, mingling with the subtle, sweet scent of blooming flowers. The light is dim, filtered through a canopy so dense that only slivers of sunlight reach the forest floor. The sounds of the forest are ever-present: the rustling of leaves, the chirping of unseen insects, and the distant call of birds.

Character Development: Elysia Thornbloom

Backstory: Elysia grew up in a small village on the edge of Faewood. From a young age, she showed an affinity for nature magic, able to coax plants to grow and heal wounds with a touch. Her gifts made her a target for The Corporation, which sought to exploit her abilities. Elysia joined the rebellion to protect her homeland and ensure that her magic was used for good.

Personality Through Actions:

Elysia walks at the front of the group, her fingers trailing along the leaves and branches as they pass. Each touch seems to invigorate the plants, making them stand taller and greener. The smell of fresh blooms fills the air wherever she goes.

Elysia: “Faewood has always been my sanctuary. I won’t let The Corporation taint it with their greed.”

Vethor: “Your magic is a gift, Elysia. It’s what will help us protect this place.”

Elysia: smiling softly “Thank you, Vethor. Together, we’ll ensure the forest remains untouched.”

Character Development: Alaric Stonefist

Backstory: Alaric was a blacksmith in a small mountain village, renowned for his craftsmanship. His life was changed forever when The Corporation destroyed his village in search of rare metals. He lost everything and vowed to fight back. His strength and skill in combat make him a formidable warrior, but his heart is heavy with the loss of his home and family.

Personality Through Actions:

Alaric moves with a purpose, his heavy steps muffled by the forest floor. The sound of metal clinking from his armor and weapons is a constant reminder of his past. The scent of metal and forge smoke clings to him, even here in the heart of the forest.

Alaric: “Every step we take is a step towards justice. For my village, for my family… I will see The Corporation fall.”

Thorne: “Your resolve is inspiring, Alaric. We will see this through together.”

Alaric: nodding “Together. And we will rebuild what was lost.”

The Heart of Faewood

As they approach the heart of Faewood, the forest grows even more magical. The air is cooler, and the ground is covered in a thick carpet of glowing moss. The smell of ancient wood and blooming flowers is overpowering, and the sound of a distant waterfall echoes through the trees. The Great Tree stands tall and majestic, its trunk wide and its branches reaching towards the sky.

Dialogue Scene: The Discovery

Setting: The heart of Faewood, where the Great Tree stands. The air is thick with magic, and the ground is covered in a carpet of glowing moss. The smell of pine and earth is overpowering, and the sound of a distant waterfall echoes through the trees.

Elysia: “There it is… the Great Tree. It’s even more magnificent than I imagined.”

Elowen: “This is the heart of Faewood, the source of its magic. We must protect it at all costs.”

Kael: “The Corporation will stop at nothing to get their hands on this. We need to be ready.”

Character Development: Kael Ravenwood

Backstory: Kael grew up in the streets of Druvvenrog, learning to survive through cunning and agility. His quick mind and faster reflexes made him an excellent thief, but he always had a sense of justice. When he saw the suffering caused by The Corporation, he knew he had to use his skills for a greater cause. Kael’s past has made him wary, but also fiercely loyal to those he trusts.

Personality Through Actions:

Kael moves silently, his eyes constantly scanning their surroundings. The smell of damp earth and the sound of rustling leaves accompany his every step. He stops suddenly, his hand raised to signal the group to halt.

Kael: “We’re not alone. I hear footsteps… they’re trying to be quiet, but not quiet enough.”

Lyra: “Good ears, Kael. Everyone, stay alert.”

The Confrontation

Suddenly, a group of The Corporation’s enforcers emerges from the shadows. They are heavily armed, their uniforms stark against the natural beauty of the forest. The smell of metal and oil is overpowering, and the sound of weapons being drawn fills the air.

Dialogue Scene: The Battle

Setting: The heart of Faewood, where the Great Tree stands. The air is thick with magic, and the ground is covered in a carpet of glowing moss. The smell of metal and oil mixes with the natural scents of the forest, and the sound of weapons being drawn fills the air.

Enforcer Captain: “You are trespassing on Corporate territory. Surrender now, and we may spare your lives.”

Alaric: “This land belongs to Faewood, not The Corporation. We will not surrender.”

Vethor: “We fight to protect this place and its magic. Prepare yourselves!”

The Battle

The battle is fierce. Alaric charges forward, his war hammer swinging with deadly precision. The sound of metal on metal rings out, and the smell of sweat and blood fills the air. Lyra moves gracefully through the fray, her arrows finding their mark with unerring accuracy. The scent of pine and earth surrounds her, a reminder of her connection to the forest.

Character Development Through Battle

Alaric’s Fury: Alaric’s strength and rage are evident as he fights. Each swing of his hammer is fueled by the memory of his lost village. The sound of his battle cry echoes through the forest, and the smell of burning metal from his hammer adds to the chaos of the battle.

Lyra’s Grace: Lyra’s movements are fluid and precise. She fights with a calm focus, each shot a testament to her years of training. The sound of her bowstring and the smell of the forest surround her, a reminder of the life she fights to protect.

Kael’s Cunning: Kael uses his agility and quick thinking to outmaneuver the enforcers. He darts in and out of the shadows, striking quickly and disappearing before they can react. The sound of his daggers and the smell of sweat and earth follow him, a testament to his skills.

The Turning Point

Just as the battle seems to be turning in favor of the enforcers, Elowen steps forward. She raises her hands, and the ground beneath the enforcers’ feet begins to tremble. The sound of cracking earth and the smell of ancient magic fill the air.

Dialogue Scene: Elowen’s Power

Setting: The heart of Faewood, where the Great Tree stands. The air is thick with magic, and the ground is covered in a carpet of glowing moss. The smell of ancient magic and the sound of cracking earth fill the air.

Elowen: “You have desecrated this sacred place long enough. Begone, or face the wrath of Faewood!”

Enforcer Captain: “Retreat! We’ll deal with them another day!”

The Aftermath

With the enforcers retreating, the group takes a moment to catch their breath. The smell of blood and sweat mingles with the fresh scent of the forest, and the sound of their heavy breathing fills the air.

Dialogue Scene: The Resolve

Setting: The heart of Faewood, where the Great Tree stands. The air is thick with magic, and the ground is covered in a carpet of glowing moss. The smell of blood and sweat mingles with the fresh scent of the forest, and the sound of heavy breathing fills the air.

Elysia: “We did it. We protected the Great Tree.”

Alaric: “This is just the beginning. The Corporation will come back, and we need to be ready.”

Kael: “With Elowen’s help, we have a chance. We can protect this place and push The Corporation back.”

Elowen: “I will stand with you. Together, we will protect Faewood and its magic.”


With their resolve strengthened and their bond with Elowen solidified, the group prepares for the next phase of their journey. The forest is alive with magic, and the scent of pine and earth fills the air. The sound of their footsteps is a reminder of the path they have chosen, and the future they fight to protect.



Chapter: Shadows of the Past


The victory in Faewood had been a momentous one, but the group knew that it was merely a prelude to the greater battles that lay ahead. As they prepared for their next move, the companions found themselves at a critical juncture, where past traumas and future hopes collided. This chapter explores the sensory experiences of their journey, delves deeper into the characters’ backstories, and sets up their next steps against The Corporation.

Setting the Scene: The Hidden Sanctuary

After the battle, the group retreats to a hidden sanctuary within Faewood. The sanctuary is an ancient grove, its trees towering and majestic, their branches forming a natural cathedral. The air is filled with the scent of wildflowers and fresh moss, and the sound of a gentle stream flows nearby. The light filters through the leaves, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

Character Development: Elowen

Backstory: Elowen was born into a lineage of guardians, entrusted with the protection of Faewood. From a young age, she was trained in the ways of nature magic and the ancient rites of her people. The responsibility weighed heavily on her, especially after the loss of her parents in a conflict with The Corporation. She dedicated her life to protecting Faewood and its secrets.

Personality Through Actions:

Elowen moves gracefully through the sanctuary, her fingers brushing against the ancient trees. The smell of wildflowers intensifies as she chants a soft incantation, and the sound of the stream seems to harmonize with her voice.

Elowen: “This sanctuary has been a place of refuge for centuries. Here, we can rest and plan our next move.”

Elysia: “It’s beautiful. The magic here is so strong, I can feel it in the air.”

Elowen: nodding “The forest is alive with ancient magic. It is our greatest ally against The Corporation.”

Character Development: Vethor

Backstory: Vethor was once a loyal soldier of The Corporation, but he turned against them when he discovered the extent of their cruelty. Haunted by the atrocities he witnessed, he became a wanderer, seeking redemption. His journey led him to the rebellion, where he found a new purpose.

Personality Through Actions:

Vethor stands at the edge of the sanctuary, his eyes scanning the horizon. The smell of leather and metal clings to him, remnants of his past life as a soldier. The sound of his steady breathing blends with the whispers of the forest.

Vethor: “We should be cautious. The Corporation won’t take this defeat lightly. They’ll be back, stronger and more determined.”

Kael: “We’ll be ready for them. With Elowen’s knowledge and the strength we’ve gained, we can stand our ground.”

Vethor: sighing “I hope you’re right. I’ve seen what they’re capable of, and I don’t want anyone else to suffer as I have.”

Exploring the Sanctuary

As the group settles into the sanctuary, they explore its many wonders. The trees are ancient, their bark etched with runes that glow faintly. The air is cool and filled with the scent of fresh moss and blooming flowers. The sound of the stream is a constant, soothing presence, and the ground is soft underfoot, covered in a thick carpet of leaves.

Dialogue Scene: Discovering the Sanctuary

Setting: The hidden sanctuary within Faewood. The air is cool and filled with the scent of fresh moss and blooming flowers. The sound of the stream is a constant, soothing presence, and the ground is soft underfoot, covered in a thick carpet of leaves.

Alaric: “This place… it’s like a dream. I never imagined such beauty could exist.”

Lyra: “It’s a reminder of what we’re fighting for. Places like this must be protected at all costs.”

Elysia: “The magic here is so pure. I feel it strengthening me, giving me hope.”

Character Development: Lyra

Backstory: Lyra was raised by a group of renegade mages who fled The Corporation’s persecution. Her parents were powerful wizards who taught her the ways of magic and survival. When The Corporation finally caught up to them, Lyra was the only one to escape. She joined the rebellion to honor her parents’ legacy and fight for a future where magic could thrive.

Personality Through Actions:

Lyra sits by the stream, her fingers tracing patterns in the water. The smell of fresh water and earth surrounds her, and the sound of the stream is calming. She closes her eyes and begins to chant, her voice blending with the sounds of the forest.

Lyra: “I can feel the power of this place. It’s ancient and wise, like the elders who taught me. We must protect it.”

Elowen: “Your magic is strong, Lyra. Together, we can harness the power of Faewood to fight against The Corporation.”

Kael: “We’re all here because we believe in this cause. We’ve seen what The Corporation can do, and we won’t let them destroy this place.”

The Plan

As the group rests and regroups, they begin to plan their next move. The sanctuary provides them with a moment of peace, but they know it won’t last. They need to strike back at The Corporation, to protect Faewood and its magic.

Dialogue Scene: Formulating the Plan

Setting: The hidden sanctuary within Faewood. The air is cool and filled with the scent of fresh moss and blooming flowers. The sound of the stream is a constant, soothing presence, and the ground is soft underfoot, covered in a thick carpet of leaves.

Vethor: “We need to hit them where it hurts. Their factories and mines are the source of their power. If we can disrupt their operations, we can weaken them.”

Alaric: “I agree. Their technology is formidable, but it’s also their weakness. Without their machines, they’re vulnerable.”

Elysia: “We need to be strategic. A direct attack would be suicide. We need to use the forest to our advantage, strike from the shadows.”

Elowen: “The forest will aid us. I can call upon its magic to protect us and hinder our enemies.”

Kael: “I’ll scout ahead, gather information on their movements. We need to know what we’re up against.”

Character Development: Kael

Backstory: Kael’s childhood was marked by hardship and loss. His parents were killed by The Corporation when he was young, leaving him to fend for himself on the streets of Druvvenrog. He learned to survive through cunning and agility, becoming a master thief. Joining the rebellion gave him a chance to fight back against the forces that had taken everything from him.

Personality Through Actions:

Kael moves silently through the sanctuary, his eyes sharp and focused. The smell of the forest and the sound of his soft footsteps are a reminder of his past life as a thief. He stops suddenly, his hand raised in a signal to halt.

Kael: “We’re not alone. I hear movement. Stay alert.”

Lyra: “You always have a knack for sensing danger. It’s saved us more times than I can count.”

Kael: smiling “Old habits die hard. I learned to trust my instincts, and they’ve kept me alive.”

The Confrontation

As they prepare to leave the sanctuary, they are ambushed by a group of The Corporation’s enforcers. The air is filled with the smell of metal and oil, and the sound of weapons being drawn echoes through the forest.

Dialogue Scene: The Ambush

Setting: The hidden sanctuary within Faewood. The air is cool and filled with the scent of fresh moss and blooming flowers. The sound of weapons being drawn echoes through the forest.

Enforcer Captain: “You thought you could hide from us? Surrender now, and we might spare your lives.”

Alaric: “We’ll never surrender to you. This forest is under our protection.”

Vethor: “We fight for Faewood, for the future. You fight for greed and destruction.”

Elysia: “We won’t let you take this place. Prepare to face the wrath of the forest.”

The Battle

The battle is fierce. Alaric charges forward, his war hammer swinging with deadly precision. The sound of metal on metal rings out, and the smell of sweat and blood fills the air. Lyra moves gracefully through the fray, her arrows finding their mark with unerring accuracy. The scent of pine and earth surrounds her, a reminder of her connection to the forest.

Character Development Through Battle

Alaric’s Fury: Alaric’s strength and rage are evident as he fights. Each swing of his hammer is fueled by the memory of his lost village. The sound of his battle cry echoes through the forest, and the smell of burning metal from his hammer adds to the chaos of the battle.

Lyra’s Grace: Lyra’s movements are fluid and precise. She fights with a calm focus, each shot a testament to her years of training. The sound of her bowstring and the smell of the forest surround her, a reminder of the life she fights to protect.

Kael’s Cunning: Kael uses his agility and quick thinking to outmaneuver the enforcers. He darts in and out of the shadows, striking quickly and disappearing before they can react. The sound of his daggers and the smell of sweat and earth follow him, a testament to his skills.

Elowen’s Magic: Elowen’s magic is a powerful force in the battle. She calls upon the forest to aid them, vines and roots emerging from the ground to entangle their enemies. The sound of her incantations and the smell of fresh earth fill the air, a reminder of the ancient magic she wields.

Victory and Resolve

The enforcers are defeated, but the group knows that this is just the beginning. The forest is safe for now, but The Corporation will not give up so easily. They gather their belongings and prepare to leave the sanctuary, determined to continue their fight.

Dialogue Scene: After the Battle

Setting: The hidden sanctuary within Faewood. The air is cool and filled with the scent of fresh moss and blooming flowers. The sound of the stream is a constant, soothing presence, and the ground is soft underfoot, covered in a thick carpet of leaves.

Vethor: “We won this battle, but the war is far from over. We need to stay vigilant.”

Elowen: “The forest will aid us, but we must also be cautious. The Corporation will not rest until they have destroyed everything we hold dear.”

Kael: “We’ve faced worse odds before. We can do this.”

Lyra: “We fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. We fight for the future of Faewood.”

Alaric: “And we will not rest until The Corporation is defeated. This is our land, our home. We will protect it with our lives.”

As they leave the sanctuary, the group is united in their resolve. They know that the road ahead will be difficult, but they are ready to face whatever challenges come their way. The forest is their ally, and together, they will fight to protect it.

Regions of Deluvia

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