
Far away from the wild and beautiful Song Tide Archipelago, the rich and enchanted Fecundia, or the dangerous Outlands are the Central Kingdoms that wish for the downfall of magic and religion.
Druvvenrog, once the small cities of Druv and Venrog of the Glyphic and Technion clans, combined forces in Articles of Corporation, that they and their Baron Overlords( the Gogs) affectionately call the Doxxy. Though through all the bureaucracy and trumpeting self-flattery and riches, the layers beneath the city have a different rule of law, among the factories, rookeriess, sewers and canals, the gangs run rampant and alliances are made and broken by the hour. Some work for The Corporation (or take bribes from them) and others seek their downfall. Spies rogues, gamblers and smugglers make or lose fortunes and even an honest merchant can get a piece of this vibrant economy.

Though most adventurers don’t get to this realm until later in the storyline visit mc.steamfront.net to run around in this magical world.

Testers can download this build here

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